2-Year Transitional Housing
Families experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of homelessness can stay up to 24 months of Transitional Housing and supportive services. The program is operated in 13 single family homes located in Watsonville, CA. The program is structured, and drug and alcohol free. The ultimate goal of the program is to successfully exit all participating families into permanent housing, with the skills, resources and support they need to maintain their employment and housing, plan for their futures, pursue happiness and thrive under a roof of their own.
Once living in 2-Year Transitional Housing, parents participate in Case Management meetings bi-weekly and set individualized goals for their family. Goals typically include those related to self-care & emotional stability, mental health and substance abuse, employment and education, parenting skills, personal financial management, budgeting/credit repair, savings for rental housing move-in costs or down payments for home ownership.
New Cabrillo Student Housing Pilot Project
Homeless students have higher drop-out rates than their housed counterparts and struggle getting their basic needs met. Cabrillo College reports that 20% of students experience homelessness at least once during the year. PVSS is helping to solve this problem by dedicating housing for these students and case management to increase their success in finding self-sufficiency after coursework is completed. In addition, this partnership significantly streamlines access and opportunity to necessary education, training, and support services at Cabrillo for PVSS program participants.
(Community Foundation of Santa Cruz Grantee Spotlight: A Safe Place to Study)
The Three Pillars of Self-Sufficiency:
In addition to housing, PVSS employs a highly effective program model for all participants that consists of workshops, classes, counseling, and case management that form the “Three Pillars” of self-sufficiency for families experiencing homelessness.